Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Will You Be My (Study) Buddy?

I have realized, to my detriment, that it takes me about three hours to complete a reading that normally should probably only take about an hour and a half. It's not due to adult-onset reading disabilities or anything like that, I just have become more easily distracted over the years. I place the blame partially on working in retail, the thankless, dull-yet-taxing enterprise, which requires distractions in order to get through the day. Though, yes most of the blame rests on my cute (and yes still un-tattooed Mom) shoulders.

Plus, having a solid and fast Internet connection on my new laptop along with iTunes and Photo Booth doesn't make things any easier. Seriously, how did I live without this before!? :)

Maybe I just need a study-buddy. Nah, I tend to infect others with my bad habits ;-) If it were a guy would it be better? No, probably much worse! lol

I do feel better knowing that my housemate, Emily, is equally bad at just sitting down and hammering out her homework. See, it can't be that bad!

Nor does it help that even when I do take copious notes in some classes it doesn't matter because the professor has to charge ahead because it is only a half-a-semester class.

Oh well, onward through the fog!
In other news,

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