Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Few Planning Jokes

Yesterday at my internship at the Planning Department at the City of Los Angeles I overheard two planning jokes. I thought that I'd pass them on~

A bishop, a judge, and a planner were arguing amongst themselves who was the greatest.

"I am the greatest," said the judge. "When I enter a room the bailiff announces 'all rise!' people stand up and address me as 'Your Honor'."

"That's pretty good," replied the bishop. "But when I have an audience people kneel and kiss my ring and address me as 'Your Eminence!'"

"You guys are fooling yourselves." snorted the planner. "When I enter a room people cover their eyes and shout 'oh my god!' "

This other joke was also cited in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a movie tho incredibly funny and touching, also definitely earned its "R" rating. It goes a little something like this-

How do you know that God is an engineer and not a planner? Because a planner wouldn't put a sewage plant next to an amusement park.

Jason Segel, if you knew this joke before you wrote the movie, call me. I love you. Actually, I love you anyway.

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