Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Walk in My Shoes

Some days in my small town, waiting to hear back from grad schools, I feel like I am going to die of boredom. I know that this is a medical impossibility, but there are times when I feel as if I may make the medical journals and be the first case.

I'm not disparaging my town. It is relatively safe, it is a good place to raise kids, enjoy small town living, or study agriculture. Apparently, the annual World Ag Expo is held one town over, an honor to be sure. But for some one who lives and breathes art, live music, theater, and philosophy I have clearly chosen the wrong town to re-establish residence in proportion to cultural amenities.

As I have mentioned in past blogs I walk to work. It's completely flat, there are copious sidewalks, and frankly I enjoy it. Some days more so than others, but overall, very much so.

Today I was walking home from work and I couldn't help but notice what a truly lovely day it was. The sun was reflecting those gorgeous golden rays that I love, that can only be found in the late afternoon light, the wind danced gently over my bare arms, and the mountains in the Sierra National Forest were clearly visible on the horizon.

I attempt to live by the 19th century French writer Emile Zola's motto, "I am here to live out loud" and I live for those moments when I really feel alive- soaking in the Piazza Navona in Rome, cruising La Brea in L.A., walking the streets of Charleston, South Carolina, etc.,

However, as I was thinking I considered that maybe this time in my life is a small respite before I (hopefully) am swept into the waves of grad school life. I have plenty of time to research at my leisure and while I would give my right arm to live in a big city right now, some days it is nice to live in a small town and the quiet that it affords me.

So, maybe living out loud may be art museums and jazz clubs, but it can also be small pleasure like being able to see the mountains and walking to work. May you too find small pleasures in unexpected places this day and always.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Hear, hear. :)

Life has its seasons, and respites... are good things.