So, note to self- it is perhaps unwise to commit one's self to a two credit course, which is spread out over two weekends (Saturday and Sunday, 8 hours a piece), in addition to a four-credit semester long class, and two- half-semester classes, which I didn't know, used to be semester long. But they were reduced so that people could take more electives.
I am now looking at about 30 articles to read before this weekend, a paper that is due on October 12th, a book review on the 19th? two presentations- I think on the 24th and sometime in late November, and a paper due at the end of the semester. Grad school had been a cake walk until I came to this bed of nails. Tread lightly!
Oi, now I am $111 (?!?!?!?) lighter as I had to purchase a "reader" i.e. glorified photocopies spiralbound- no plastic cover nor back may I add!? in order to be within compliance of copyright and royalty laws.
Though I am thinking of being sneaky and going to Staples and having them just give me a new spiral binding as, being a resourceful packrat, I have a previous clear plastic cover and back from a prior publication that no longer suits my needs. *Cue evil laugh* I will work my way around the system yet!
Ugh, better get back to work, I have to finish Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by: Roger Fisher and William Ury before slugging my way through a TON of articles on public policy- yay light reading! :P
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