Graduation looms ahead for us, about 6 weeks (!!!) and only one of us have a solid, confirmed job offer, and it's a fellowship. The rest of us stare grimly at the calendar and clock as the minutes tick by.
But despite the incredibly poor prospects that await us, we have kept our senses of humor. I mean, what can one do except laugh? If not, we cry. We have kept our heads held high, our chins determined, and our upper lips stiff. Everything below the neck remains resolute as well, but there aren't any cliches for them except maybe a "determined stance?"
We have, somewhat wryly, somewhat seriously, considered all moving in together in some "cheap" place like Oakland or Detroit to wait out this crappy recession. Perhaps the post-millennial version of a commune?
We also observed with a heft dose of irony that only a few years ago the people that were in our schools, graduating with their masters, "fell" into planning jobs because, why not? This, ironically, includes my immediate boss, at the city, who did a dual degree with his masters in international relations because he liked how planning complemented his studies. He is an excellent planner, but in a perfect world I imagine he may have envisioned his life differently. How things have changed in such a short time.
It has been a privilege to learn and work alongside an incredibly gifted and talented group of people. It is a shame that much of our potential is not going to be exploited to its fullest potential in the next few months. But I know that there is a place for all of us. It is just a matter of keeping our noses to the grindstone, our eyes on the prize, and enough hope in our hearts to remain buoyant.
SPPD Class of 2011 I love you. I leave you with this oft-quoted but sincere Irish blessing, May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
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