Monday, December 8, 2008

May the road rise up to greet you!

OK, we all know that, to use a less-than-academic term, the economy sucks right now. But help is on the way! Well, sort of.

According to CNN many of our roads are in disrepair. You don't have to tell me twice driving down Rte. 59 in Naperville, IL. But the good news is- roads need to be fixed, which equals jobs, which cannot equal outsourcing!

For more information please check out the hyperlinks- and

I have enclosed the link from Planetizen because although it takes you to the same story, it is a really interesting site. I hope to be able to comment on and share more from their site.


Bill said...

FDR's original New Deal upgraded the nation's infrastructure significantly, as did Eisenhower's Interstate highway initiative. Both helped the economy and gave people meaningful and useful work. One of the few times "the gummint" has done something right with tax dollars. Now this time around looks like the Big O is going to do the same, and include the technological infrastructure & energy efficiency upgrades in the package. Good call. :)

Unknown said...

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stay in touch.